Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How many Wongs are listed in the Chinese telephone directory?

It's full of wong numbers!How many Wongs are listed in the Chinese telephone directory?
190.100.10 people called Wong and 6,000,00 called Lee/Li
I have just spent the last hour counting them. I think it is 1000,456.How many Wongs are listed in the Chinese telephone directory?

Chinese telephone directory ? There must be at least 80,000 of THEM !!

But, I have heard that there are some 16,000,000 Wongs for every White --- which is yet another reason that they say --- 2 Wongs don't make a White !!

Okay, so ---- kill me already !!How many Wongs are listed in the Chinese telephone directory?
wemember, 2 wongs don't make a wight!
Be careful you don't Wing the Wong number...
make sure you dont wing the wong number
youre momma so fat she got more chins than a chinese telephone directory

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