Monday, February 6, 2012

Is it possible to love a girl who has more chins than a chinese telephone directory???

Thank you for making me smile, sugar! If you get tired of her, then come and find me. I only have one chin in my Chinese telephone directory.Is it possible to love a girl who has more chins than a chinese telephone directory???
a cow huh? she may be a cow but she still has a heart.

her chins are there because she wants them there!! never forget that.

i have no pitty for cows, when she loses the fat, go for it
thats mean, you could never love a girl that you describe, love means you dont see someones physical and insult it like you did. wow, you are a peice of workIs it possible to love a girl who has more chins than a chinese telephone directory???
Sure it is !Is it possible to love a girl who has more chins than a chinese telephone directory???
if you love her personality then there's no problem loving her
Yeah, its possible. What may not be possible is loving a person that says something like that.
yes, it's possible to love anyone.
Yes it is, just buy lots of flour!
sure it is winter time after all, we all have to stay warm.
How sad...................
only if your sack is against them all the time.
For you, probably not. You are way to critical! Perhaps you should stop looking so much for outer beauty and start seeking inner beauty.
LOL of course Personality counts
you love your mum dont you?
HELLO, if you have to ask then you obviously don't know what love is! She could look like death, love is love and it's not skin deep at all!
now that funny as hell but yes she can
If you are saying that she is heavy, then yes. Heavy women also have personalities ans spirits and are worthy of affection. If you are just being a jackass, you are succeeding!
sure its possible more cushion for the pushin
LOL good analogy, but yes i suppose its possible if you were blind
thats very mean and you should be ashamed of yourself um.... you shoudlnt judge people on their looks and look into there heart.....and peronalitly and you will find that you love this person or you will find out what really matters....
Its possible to love anyone. If you love the personality and the body just isnt doing it. It is probably your loss because you are too shallow. Also its not good to judge her just on her looks. She may be the most wonderful person you ever met even if she has more chins what you could do is get her to work out with you and possibly eat healthier. You never know underneath it all behind all the extra weight you may find the person you have always been looking for.
Is it possible to put up with an anti-fat racist like you?
god loves you. repent!
No offense intended, but dumb question. Love is blind to double-chins, perfect abs, or chiseled features. You'll learn that eventually.
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